Thursday 20 June 2024

Hosea 9:1-6 – Consequence of neglect

In Hosea 9, the prophet vividly portrays Israel’s deliberate and unyielding transgression against the Lord, a path that would lead them astray. They believed Baal brought prosperity, so they turned away from the Lord, engaging in harlotry on the threshing floor.

God’s warning was unequivocal: indulgence with Baal would not yield the anticipated harvest. Instead, they would find themselves rejoicing at a failing harvest, a bitter irony. Their time in the land was limited, as they would soon be thrust back into the bondage of Egypt and sent to Assyria to consume unclean food, a harsh consequence of their actions.  

In captivity, their lives would be hampered. There would be no public altar to offer their new wine to the Lord. Besides, the Lord would not receive their uncleaned, worthless, self-serving offerings.  

Even though they wanted to celebrate the Lord’s appointed feasts and festivals, they wouldn't be able to. For they would be sent into bondage and exiled, and their land back home would be neglected and become a wasteland of weeds and thistles.


Our actions have far-reaching consequences. Straying from our commitment has an undesirable and telling result, so stay faithful! 

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