Thursday 27 June 2024

Hosea 11:8-11 – True love is tough.

While God finds it difficult to punish Israel, the nation He loves, He felt compelled to punish Israel for their evil and wrongdoing because He could not overlook sin. However, within his justice, there would be mercy.

God’s exceptional and unparalleled love for this nation has always been more powerful and enduring than anything experienced in human relationships. His people would indeed be expelled from their land; however, He would not eradicate them forever like he did Sodom, Gomorrah, and other cities.

Though God would use enemies to deal with Israel, He would defeat those whom He had used to deal with her. God would ultimately free his people from being held captive and bring them back to their back to their homeland.

God loves us as we are, but He loves us too much to allow us to stay the way we are.  The lesson from these verses is this: even when God chastises us, He will deal with it with mercy and hope. He deals with us not to destroy us but to align us so that we can fully appreciate and embrace His love. He desires to restore us, not to destroy us. 

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