Tuesday 18 June 2024

Hosea 8:1-6 – Don’t presume on God

In Hosea 8:1-6, we have a description of God’s scheduled judgment on Israel. They had presumed too much on God. Not only did they break their covenant with Him, but they also sinned against the law. Their enemy, symbolized by the eagle, referring to Assyria, would be summoned to punish them.

Israel had presumed their relationship with God, saying, “My God, we of Israel know You!” But those words were only hollow and lacking substance. They had rejected God’s kind gestures and would be pursued by the enemy.

The kings they put on the throne were not appointed by God. They ascended through conspiracy and assassination, betraying and murdering to gain access to power.

One of the key lessons we can learn from the passage in Hosea 8:1-6 is the danger of presumption and taking our relationship with God for granted. Israel’s mistake was in presuming too much on God, believing that they knew Him and thus could act in any way they pleased. Unwittingly, they had disregarded their covenant with God and strayed from His laws. This resulted in them facing the consequences of their actions.

The lesson for us here is to never take our relationship with God for granted. We should always remember the importance of honoring our commitments made to Him. We should seek to deepen our understanding of Him to grow the faith we have in Him.


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