Monday 17 June 2024

Hosea 7:8-16 – Trusting God alone

Hosea 7:8-16 describes Israel as resembling a poorly made cake that is burnt on one side and uncooked on the other. The people of Israel have relied too much on other nations and too little on God, which has resulted in their ruin. They have sought help from Egypt and Assyria, oblivious to the fact that God has allowed this as their punishment.

Despite their predicament, the people have refused to acknowledge their mistakes and return to God. They have continued to make alliances with other nations, which God sees as rebellion. These alliances will not save them, but instead lead to their destruction.

Acting like Baal’s worshippers, the people of Israel wail, dance, and harm themselves in hopes of good harvests. Despite God being the one who trained and strengthened them, they have treacherously turned against him. Their defiance renders them as ineffective to God as an unreliable bow is to an archer. Their rebellion will inevitably lead to punishment and disgrace.

The wise rely on God rather than putting their trust in worldly powers. Making alliances or seeking help from others at the expense of disobeying God’s words is not the solution. We should seek His wisdom and follow His ways. We must stay faithful to God, not doing so will only lead to undesirable consequences.

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