Sunday 2 June 2024

Hosea 2:16-18 – Be committed to God.

In the reconciliation, Israel would renew her relationship and commitment to God. She would acknowledge that God is her ‘Ishi,’ meaning ‘my husband.’ She would no longer recognize Baal, a Canaanite deity associated with fertility and rain, as ‘my owner or lord.’ This shift in recognition is significant, as it marks a turning point in Israel’s allegiance, beliefs, and practices.

Israel’s renewed commitment to God would bring clarity that would cause her to forget the names of her former ‘lovers.’  She would no longer be confused or uncertain about her marital status. The gods associated with Baalism would be completely removed from her usual language when referring to the Lord, leaving no room for doubt or confusion.

With the relationship reconciled and restored, Israel would be enveloped in a blanket of divine protection. They would dwell in a state of unshakeable security. Any harm from nature, the world, or people would be swiftly thwarted.  Israel would live in a state of safety and security, free from fear or harassment.  

In Hosea 2:16-18, we see a powerful lesson on commitment and trust in God that will ensure security. When we fully commit to God and trust His sovereignty, we can live in unshakeable security, free from fear and worry. Just as Israel would find divine protection and unshakeable security through her commitment to God, we, too, can experience the same when we choose to commit fully to God. 

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