Sunday 30 June 2024

Hosea 12:7-9 – Be morally upright

In Hosea 12:7-9, Israel was compared to a dishonest merchant, a powerful metaphor that illustrates the nation’s moral decay. This merchant gained wealth by mistreating and exploiting the poor. Emulating the merchant the people of Israel had used their wealth to bribe judges and officials.

However, their bribe cannot sway the judgment of God. His verdict, absolute and unchangeable, will befall them. Their opulent cities and lavish homes will be razed, and the people of Israel will be forced to dwell in tents, reminiscent of their journey from Egypt to Canaan.

Like moral decay that guarantees divine judgment our bad and negative personal actions and decisions, will ensure undesirable consequences. Therefore, we must evaluate our every decision and action. Be sure to exercise integrity and fairness towards others, and being mindful of the consequences of the choices we make. 

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