Saturday 29 June 2024

Hosea 12:2-6 – Seek God and be transformed.

In Hosea 12:2-6, God’s deep concern for Judah is evident. It’s important to remember that both Judah and Israel originated from Jacob. Genesis 32 recorded an account of Jacob encountering God at Peniel, where Jacob was renamed Israel. Be mindful that God's concern was not just for Israel but also for Judah. After all, the two streams, Israel and Judah, descended from the same source, clearly indicating their value in God's eyes.  

God points to Jacob, a man who had taken on the characteristics of deceit from birth. He was a grabber even in his mother's womb. But a transformation occurred when he contended with and encountered God at Peniel. There, Jacob agonized and eagerly sought the Lord’s favor through tears and had a profound change.   

In verse 6, Hosea passionately pleads with the people who descended from Jacob to emulate the repented Jacob. He urges them to urgently turn from their sinful ways to God, emphasizing the immediate need for repentance. Only then, he assures them, will they receive the blessings they sought from God.  

From these verses, we see why we must seek genuine transformation. This can happen only as we encounter God. Just as Jacob earnestly sought God's favor and repented from our sinful ways, we must take the same route. We must seek God, align with His will, and be transformed. 

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