Monday 3 June 2024

Hosea 2:19-23 – To know and love God

God’s promise to Israel is not mere words, but a profound testament to His love and faithfulness.  He pledged an unbreakable bond, a relationship founded on His righteousness, justice, mercy, and compassion.  This covenant would enable Israel to truly know and understand her Lord, her betrothed, in all His glory.

Israel would be blessed as God responds to all her needs. He would give her the blessing from nature that she so desired. The curses that resulted from her unfaithfulness would be reversed, bringing favorable agricultural conditions to the land. Jezreel, where she was defeated, would once again experience ‘grain’ and ‘new wine.’  She would genuinely be Jezreel, meaning ‘sown of God.’

God’s compassion would replace the harsh prediction declared through Lo-rahuman, ‘no longer pitied.’ The once alienated Israel would now be embraced as God’s people, and no longer ‘Lo-ammi.’ This transformation would inspire her to boldly declare, ‘You are my God!’

These verses look forward to the New Covenant, where the relationship would be restored. Righteousness, justice, mercy, and compassion would be the character. God’s eternal love is an unchanging truth. It lays at the root of His wrath. He would not go through such a great length to woo us back to Himself if He did not love us.  This is seen clearly at Calvary. We must seek to know the depth of His love and love Him in return, freeing from an awakened heart.

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