Friday 23 March 2018

Proverbs 6:20-35 – The costliness of adultery

Engaging in sexual immorality may bring momentary pleasure but it is always accompanied by consequences. Solomon sets out in these remaining verses to lay own some practical reasons why every young man should avoid the seductress. He forwarded six reasons why every young man should not be lured by her immoral advances and be enticed into committing fornication and adultery. 

Firstly, verses 6 tells us that a man will be reduced to a loaf of bread if he leads a promiscuous life. He will lose his possession and be brought to poverty. When the temptress is through with him he will have nothing left. All his wealth would be exhausted by her. He would be left with precious little that could hardly see him through, even on the bare necessities in life.  

Secondly, the involvement with an adulteress, who is the wife of another, places a person in jeopardy. In Deuteronomy 22:22, the Law of Moses prescribed a death sentence for a person caught in adultery. The seductress has no concern for the precious life of the subject of her seduction. The teacher wants to underscore the high value of life that he used the adjective precious to qualify the life. One who commits adultery places his present as well as his eternal life in jeopardy. It’s reckless not to consider such a consequence. 

Thirdly, an adulterer will definitely be burnt. No one who takes burning coal into his bosom and not get burnt. Similarly, no one ever walks barefooted on hot burning coals and his feet not be scorched. So, in much the same way, not one who commits adultery will ever be scorch free. Punishment will surely come upon him. It will come from three directions: the law, the woman’s husband and God. He will not escape punishment.

Fourthly, the adulterers will not expect his contemporaries to sympathize with him.  A thief who steals to satisfy his physical hunger will be treated with more grace yet he will not escape punishment. He will have to restore much more than what he had stolen. But one who commits adultery will have to pay a heavier price. It’s not worth placing one’s life at risk for a moment of gratification. It is in the best interest of his own life that every man should avoid illicit relationships.

Fifthly, adultery always leads to wounds, both physical and social. He may be wounded by the outrage of the husband of the woman, and he will be ostracised by his community. The reproach will be hard to erase for as long as he lives. He will have to carry this as a scar of this sin for the rest of his life.

Sixthly, adultery will spark off an unbearable tirade from the husband of the woman. The husband will be so enraged by jealousy that he will come with unrelenting anger till the last drop of blood is squeezed out of the adulterer. His honor will have no place for sympathy and he will spare no effort to get at the culprit. Nothing will be able to placate his angry tirade till he gets his due.

It’s not worthwhile to put our life at risk for just a fleeting moment of pleasure. Hence be reminded by the call to drink water from one’s own cistern. Exercise marital fidelity and don’t pander to our carnal nature. Remember God and live to please Him

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