Thursday 22 March 2018

Proverbs 6:20-25 – Godly guide to avoid illicit sexual advances

Knowing the proclivity of men, especially the young, to be enchanted by the luring temptation of immoral women, the teacher returned to the subject on how to deal with such evil temptation. He began in Proverbs 6:20-24 to reiterate the value of wisdom. He started by admonishing his hearers to keep the counsel of fathers and to adhere to the teaching of their mothers, especially the godly ones. For teachings of godly parents are priceless. They provide great counsel, a wonderful example and healthy model for a godly marriage. Parents’ faithfulness to their marriages can help set a pure standard for their children and keep them conscious that they too must be faithful to their spouse. 
The instruction of godly parents who honour their marriage vows are an encouragement for their children to resist any attraction of illicit passion. Remembering and adhering to their wise instruction will keep them from straying into the wrong path, thus preventing them from stumbling. In particular, the young are advised to internalize the counsel of their godly parents. They must take them to heart. They are called to “bind them continually on your heart” and “tie them around the neck”. In other words, the counsel ought to be inwardly assimilated and outwardly adorned. These suggest that parental godly counsel ought to be passionately and affectionately remembered and live out publicly. When wholly adhered to they will form a hedge of protection around the heart and keep one from the sins of sexual immorality, fornication and adultery. At the least, the godly counsel will guide them to stay away from the luring speech of the evil woman. Her words are usually deviously, flirtatiously and salaciously designed to entice. Her illicit advances are usually contrary to pure holy marital covenant. Wisdom warns us to wise up to the deceitfulness of those irresistible words.
In verse 25 the teacher provides two admonitions. Firstly, he instructs that we ought not to entertain an immoral woman no matter how beautiful she may be. If we refuse to let her beauty charm us we will not be led into any immoral act. We need to resist at the very first instance, when she comes attractively dressed, looking so charmingly beautiful. Refuse to be seduced by her beauty. Remember, we are called to guard our heart with all diligence. If we entertain the beauty and allow it to consume our mind, we will soon convert that thought into action at one irresistible moment. Secondly, the teacher instructs that we must not be taken in by the external allurement of that immoral woman.  She has the uncanny penchant to seduce with her eye. A wise man will not be taken in by the passionate glances of the seductress.  Remembering to guard our heart and mind so that we will not entertain impure thoughts but also remember to guard our eye lest we stray into the wayward path of immorality.  

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