Friday 30 March 2018

Proverbs 10:1-3 –Developing life through wise decisions

Unlike a series of godly discourses of a father to a son in Proverbs 1-9, chapter 10 right through to chapter 22 contain a collection of warnings, injunctions, inspirations, explanations, and encouragements. The sayings in Proverbs 10-22 are randomly arranged without any predominant theme. Each can be taken and meditated on individually. Each is a stand-alone and is not dependent on the surrounding verses for context.  As we consider each and seek to live them, we will be led into a life of character that’s pleasing to God. As we meditate on each, bear in mind that each is talking to people in covenant relationship with God.   

Verse 1 contains an observation on the part of a son to determine for himself whether he is a wise person or a fool.  It calls for self-observation to the response one makes to his parents. How the parents emotionally respond to his actions, speech and character will provide the clear evidence that will show whether he is wise or not. This presupposes that the parents in discussion are wise and godly. Unlike foolish parents, wise ones are usually encouraged and will rejoice at the righteous behaviour of their son. They will certainly be saddened and irked by their son’s folly. Underscores here is also the idea that how parents respond to the behaviour of a son will be a source of motivation for how a wise son should live and behave himself. His love for his parents will ensure that he will live and behave in ways that would please his godly father and mother.

In verse 2, we read,Ill-gotten gains do not profit, but righteousness delivers from death.” In essence this verse tells us that there is something more precious and valuable than material goods. Wealth that had been gathered through unrighteous means may not truly benefit the one who obtain them illegally. Why? Because the wealth he had gathered cannot extricate or save him from death. One cannot buy life with money. Whereas righteousness, a quality of the wise, enables him to live wisely and conduct a life that keeps him on the right path and away from dangerous situations. This will extricate him from undue stress and untimely death.

Verse 3 says, “The Lord will not allow the righteous to hunger, but He will reject the craving of the wicked.” It is obvious that the righteous and the wicked are each driven by different considerations in life. The righteous recognizes the basic necessities and sustenance of life and will be satisfied if they are met. Whereas, the wicked are more concerned about their desires and longing, the more luxurious items of life. Being more realistic, the righteous will not be overlooked by God. Whereas the wicked unrealistically pin their hope on the longing for more luxurious living that are not even necessary. Hence, they are disappointed because God will not pander to their craving. So chose righteousness and be sure of the attention of God!

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