Saturday 17 March 2018

Proverbs 5:1-14 – Warning against adultery

The adulteress whom the author warned about earlier now darts into Proverbs 5 again. The issue of sexual infidelity briefly discussed in Proverbs 2:15-19 is now developed further. Marriage is a sacred covenant between a man and his wife and sexual relationship is to be kept within the confine of that marriage. Adultery, on the other hand, is a social malady. It is having sexual intimacy with another person who is not one’s spouse. To commit adultery is to break the sanctity of marriage. This warning against adultery is especially pertinent in our day and age because the home is severely under attack by this disorder. The hedonistic culture of our time had insidiously made adultery and sexual immorality a common practice. Here in Proverbs 5, the teacher warns us against it.

Giving fatherly counsel, the teacher addressed the student as his son. He calls the hearers to pay attention to his godly counsel concerning marital fidelity. To live in marital fidelity is a wise thing to do. It, in reality, is living a married life with good sense and discretion. Adhering to the wise counsel to be given, will also help one to know how to live discreetly and respond wisely and appropriately to the temptress’ lure. Characteristically, a temptress will use smooth words as her bait. Her deceptive words may be sweet as honey and smooth as olive oil, but they always leave a bitter aftertaste and lead to destruction. The adulteress herself is often oblivious and blind to her own ways and cannot perceive the danger in her lifestyle.       

In verses 9-14, the teacher gives a series of warnings of what will happen when one succumbs to the temptress’ bait. Before going into the detail of his warning, he said that the first step to take is to avoid her at all cost. Never go near her door. Why should she be avoided? Five things happen when one yields to temptation and entertains the voice of the adulteress. Firstly, one will be trapped and his youth will be wasted.  Secondly, his wealth will be squandered. e will He will foolishly use the hard-earned money to trade for a few transient pleasurable moments. Thirdly, that kind of lifestyle will cost his health as well. His physical well-being will be exhausted through debauched living. Engaging in such sexual intimacy can expose one to sexually transmitted diseases that will certainly lead to ill health. Fourthly, such an illicit relationship will also corrode one’s self-respect leading to self-reproach. It will cause a person to end up lamenting and regretting his entanglement in such an affair. Finally, indulging in such act would cause one to lose his moral standing and to regretfully live in disgrace. A word to the wise is good enough – avoid adultery at all cost. Seek to honor God by honoring marital fidelity.  

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