Thursday 30 May 2024

Hosea 2:5-7 – Make God our priority.

In Hosea 2:2-4, God accused the Northern Kingdom of Israel of careless disregard for Him. And for her unfaithfulness, He had suspended their covenant status with Him. Israel as a harlot had run after Baal and produced illegitimate children.  God had warned Israel of the certainty of judgment for showing such flagrant contempt.

How did Israel show contempt for God? She played the harlot and acted shamefully. She flirted with foreign gods. The children of hers were conceived through her shameful act. This is a reference to her uncontrolled drunkenness and sexual immorality that Baal worship promotes. Blatantly, Israel had pursued Baal and even dared to claim that her provision of daily necessities and luxuries such as "wool and flax, oil and drink" came from her lovers.  

Despite the hurt and disappointment, God would intervene in Israel's pursuit of her lovers, the foreign gods. He would strategically obstruct her path, making it difficult for her to continue her flirtation. Consequently, Israel would find herself unable to reach her lovers. This was a clear reference to their oppression by Assyria, the fall of Israel to Assyria, and even the exile.   

In her desperation, Israel pursued her lover even more eagerly. However, she was not able to ‘overtake them.’ Her pursuit would find no help from them. Failing to find help, she was awakened to return to the Lord.

this is a call not to be swayed by distractions and face the consequences of turning away from God. It is only in Him that true fulfilment in life can be found. We must remain steadfast in our faith, always prioritizing our relationship with Him above all others.  

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