Wednesday 15 May 2024

Daniel 11:25-28 – Only God’s plan will prevail.

In Daniel 11:21-24, we saw the description of Antiochus IV’s dubious character and behavior. In verses 25-30, we will see his questionable actions described. With the hope of controlling Egypt, his father married his sister Cleopatra to the king of Egypt, Ptolemy V. 

However, she disappointed her father by choosing to stand on the side of her husband, thus sabotaging the father’s ambitious plan to control Egypt through her marriage. History continuing account has it that after Ptolemy V’s death, Cleopatra became the queen of Egypt. And when she died, her son, Ptolemy VI, a teenager, became the king of Egypt.  

Antiochus IV, according to verses 25, “will stir up his strength and courage against the king of the South with a large army….” Verse 26 implies that the king of Egypt, Ptolemy VI would mobilize a force of considerable size to resist the uncle’s advance but was defeated. 

Ptolemy VI failed because plots were devised against him. Verse 27 said that “people who sat at his table,” i.e., his people, would betray him. Apparently, they then made his brother, Ptolemy VII, the king instead. 

Verse 27 suggests that Antiochus IV and Ptolemy VI would then come together in a treaty. They sat at the same table, each with their secret agenda of deceiving and lying to each other.  Both went away, thinking that they each had the better of the other. But all to no avail because the appointed time would come according to God’s appointed schedule.  

Verse 28 states that the king of the North (Antiochus) would return to his own country with great wealth, but his heart would be set against the holy covenant. He would act against it and then return to his own country. On his way back to Syria, Antiochus IV stopped in Jerusalem. With “his heart... set against the holy covenant” of God’s people, he attempted to bring the Jews in line with his Hellenistic pattern by changing specific laws.

Antiochus IV’s attempts to manipulate and deceive ultimately came to naught. Remember, only God’s appointed schedule will indeed prevail. Human efforts to subvert God’s will are in vain. We should always seek to align ourselves with divine purpose rather than resist it. These verses remind us of the importance of righteousness and faith in navigating life’s challenges.

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