Tuesday 21 May 2024

Daniel 12:8-13 – A glorious destiny awaits us.

Daniel’s message in chapter 12 concerns the end. One key figure, closer to his time, is Antiochus IV. The other figure, for a still-distant future, is the eschatological Antichrist. If we look at the book of Daniel, we will realize that both characters are in view. Antiochus IV is a type of the Antichrist. The terrors these characters created cannot be neglected.    

Daniel 12 indicates two questions the “man dressed in linen” was asked. The first question in verse 6, which Daniel overheard, is in the angels’ conversation with “the man dressed in linen.” One of the angels asked for it. The second question in verse 8 is asked by Daniel himself: “My lord, what would be the outcome of these events?”

Both questions concern the events about the end of time – the abomination of desolation, a term used to describe a sacrilegious object or act that causes desolation or destruction, often associated with the Antichrist. The first question asked when these events would end. The response in verse 7 says, “As soon as they finish shattering the power of the holy people, all these events will be completed.'” 

The second question addressed the outcome of the events, to which Daniel did not get a response. He was told to go his way because the matters were sealed up for the end. However, verse 10 elaborates on what was said in verse 7. The indication is that the events would last to the end. The elaboration suggests that the wicked will persist in their wickedness and remain ignorant. Those with insight will understand, and these will be the people who will be cleansed and ready for their victorious end of attaining everlasting life. 

There is one issue we must address. How do we make sense of the reference to the 1290 days and 1335 days in Daniel 12:11-12? What about “the 2,300 evenings and mornings” referred to in Daniel 8:14? And what about the “time, times and half a time'" alluded to in Daniel 7:25 & Daniel 12:7?”

These numbers are believed to represent significant periods in the eschatological timeline. Many views have been forwarded.  As convicting as each may sound, they still border on speculation. It would be safe to say that the days all add up to about the same amount of time.  The point of all these is “God alone knows.” He alone knows the predetermined end, and it is not meant for us to figure out currently. How blessed is the person who continues to trust God despite not fully comprehending everything?

The events will persist until the end, culminating in the ultimate triumph of the righteous and the establishment of God's kingdom. Like Daniel was instructed, we are also advised to entrust all to God. We are also to go our way until the end. Whether we are still alive then or have gone to our rest, we will rise to receive our eternal inheritance. 

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