Monday 20 May 2024

Daniel 12:5-7 – God is building our endurance.

In chapter 10, Daniel had a profound encounter with a man dressed in linen, whom we identified as a pre-incarnation of Christ's appearance. Returning to this scene in Daniel 12:1, we find two other beings, possibly the Archangels Gabriel and Michael, standing on either side of the riverbanks of the Tigris. At this moment, Daniel eavesdropped on a conversation that would shape his understanding of the future. 

One of the angels asks the “man dressed in linen,” “How long will it be until the end of these wonders?” Before responding, “the man dressed in linen” raises his hands towards heaven and swears to God, indicated by the phrase “Him who lives forever.” This affirms the certainty of what He will say in His response.  

According to verse 7, the answer is “a time, times, and half a time.” The purpose of the question is to find out the duration of the distress described in the previous chapter. Many interpret this as a reference to three and a half years, saying that believers will have to endure that duration of intense persecution by the Antichrist. 

Instead of dwelling on the exact duration, it is more fruitful to view God as the one who sets limits to the suffering of His people. This perspective is supported by the latter part of verse 7, which states, “As soon as they finish shattering the power of the holy people, all these events will be completed.” In this, we see God’s hand in determining the end of the tribulation. 

God is shaping and perfecting us through hard times. Tribulation and conflicts develop constancy, which builds character. Character brings hope that will never fail us. Through trials, we will be made perfect and complete, lacking nothing!  

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