Thursday 9 May 2024

Daniel 10:10-21 – The reality of spiritual warfare

As Daniel was prostrate and asleep on the ground, a hand touched and set his hands and knees trembling.  This hand that touched him seems to be that of another angelic being. He told the prophet, saying, “O Daniel, a man of high esteem, understand the words that I am about to tell you and stand upright, for I have now been sent to you.”

Upon hearing the words, Daniel, in his humble state, stood on his feet trembling. He was then told not to be afraid. It was further revealed that it was Daniel’s unwavering humility, his sincere and persistent desire to understand the vision, and his consistent prayer for the past three weeks that led to his prayer being heard. 

This messenger, who was speaking to Daniel was already on the way to explain the meaning of the vision to him. However, he was delayed for 21 days by the ‘prince of the kingdom of Persia’. This prince is not a human ruler, but an unseen demonic power working behind the rulers of Persia, preventing the messenger from reaching Daniel. Then Michael, another of God’s archangels, assisted and released the messenger to Daniel. 

Upon being enlightened about the spiritual battles in the unseen realm, Daniel found himself once again overwhelmed. His lip was touched a second time making him ask the supernatural being standing before him, “O my lord, as a result of the vision anguish has come upon me, and I have retained no strength. How can such a servant of my lord talk with such as my lord? As for me, there remains just now no strength in me, nor has any breath been left in me.”

In response to his question, Daniel was strengthened and told by the messenger that together with Michael, they would wage a righteous war on behalf of the Jews against the evil power backing Persia. In the future, when Greece had overthrown Persia, they would continue their fight against other wicked powers supporting Greece. This passage underscores the power of prayer in spiritual warfare, as it was through Daniel’s prayers that the angelic beings, led by Michael, were able to intervene.

There is a spiritual battle, unseen to the human eye, that is constantly unfolding and has a direct impact on the physical world. This battle involves spiritual powers, and their outcomes can significantly affect the lives of individuals and nations. It is a struggle between good and evil, with the forces of righteousness, represented by the angelic beings, fighting against the forces of wickedness, represented by the unseen demonic powers. 

We also learn the need to stay humble and sincere in our desire to know more about God and his ways. In doing so, we will experience divine reinforcement and aid in spiritual battles. We also see the importance of prayer, which serves as a powerful weapon in these battles. We can be assured that our faithful God will hear and answer our prayers, even when the answer may be delayed due to unseen forces at work.


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