Thursday 3 May 2018

Proverbs 16:16-25 – Making correct choices in life

Solomon makes it clear in Proverbs 16:16 that wisdom is better than gold and understanding to be preferred over silver. They are without a doubt very needful to a fruitful, fulfilling and significant life. Therefore, we see in these verses the appeal to go for wisdom and to seek understanding. In this appeal, we will see what wisdom entails.

Firstly, wisdom guides us to avoid evil path. The people who are wise are considered decent people. They are said to avoid walking on the highway of evil. They choose to travel on paths where the upright had trodden. Such paths are levelled and free of obstructions. People who are wise guard their ways so as to avoid the evil path. For they will carefully chart their trail in life, to reach their destiny and attain life.  

Secondly, wisdom dictates that we nurture humility. Pride is offensive to God. It is an egotistical life of conceit and causes one to focus only on oneself. The achievement a self-absorbed person attained is usually attributed to his own effort. He leaves God out of the equation of life. He forgets that his very breath comes from God and is oblivious to coming disaster. Unknown to him, his high and mighty spirit will precipitate a fall. Conversely one who is humble denies himself. He is devoid of self-importance. He associates with the humble, meaning people who make their living by honest means. He prefers such people than mix with those who exploit others for wrongful gain. Verse 20 suggests that such a person gives preference to the Word of God. He respects the Word and will come to it for instruction. More than just being acquainted with the Word, he will act according to its instruction. The result will be obvious - he enjoys both material and spiritual blessings that come with putting his trust in the Lord.  

Thirdly, wisdom ensures that we speak wisely. And a wise person is identified as a discerning person. He is seen as one who understands issues and can be relied upon for wise counsel in times of doubt and uncertainty. As a man of understanding, he answers with choice and thoughtful words. His words will find a ready acceptance from his hearers. Because of his insight, the wise finds that he has the capacity to sustain himself. He has a source of power within himself to invigorate his own life as well as that of others. In other words, he knows how to tap into his own inner resources and find sustenance. In contrast, a fool is terrorised by his own folly and stupidity. He creates misery for himself and ends up despondent by his own making. Verse 23 tells us that the wise provides words of discernment from his heart. His words are usually insightful and sagacious. They are obvious in the content of his speech. The words a wise speaks are like honey. They bring vitality and nourish the soul and give hope and strength to living.   

Verse 25 reiterates that call of Proverbs 14:12. We must consider the outcome. Don’t just look at the surface. We must remember that all that glitters are not gold.  Don’t go for what seems apparent but leaves God out of the equation. The end of such ill- conceived way is destruction. Consider wisely so that we can avoid the pitfalls that come with harmful desires. Walk circumspectly.  

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