Friday 6 September 2024

Zachariah 6:12-13 – Jesus the Messiah and His rule

In Zachariah 6:9-11, we dealt with the first issue concerning the fashioning of the crown of gold and silver and Joshua’s crowning. These actions have to do with the setting up of Messiah’s Kingdom. Today’s discussion will deal with the second issue described in Zachariah 6:12-13. It has to do with the prophecy of the Branch.  

What about the prophecy of the Branch? As we’ve previously established, the “Branch” is a title for the coming Messiah from the Davidic line. This Branch, with its profound influence, will initiate a movement and undertake the monumental task of the construction of the ultimate temple for the Lord.  

Here, Zachariah is not just talking about a physical temple but God’s Kingdom and her spiritual influence.  This temple, more than a mere structure, will be a place where God’s presence is palpable, and where true worship of God is facilitated by the Messiah.

Verse 13 emphasizes the role of the Messiah. The phrase, “He will branch out from where He is,” suggests that Messiah rising from obscurity to build a movement of global impact. He will build the temple of God suggests that He would be the one to restore and expand the Kingdom of God. The Messiah bearing the honor refers to His rulership and authority. His sitting on the throne suggests His sovereign rule over God’s people—spiritually and eternally.

As a priest on the throne, Messiah would assume the dual roles of priest and king, which were previously separated in Israel’s religious system. This dual role highlights Messiah’s mediatorial role in reconciling God and humanity. Through Him, a path is made available for man to be reconciled with God. The counsel of peace between the two offices is about the unity of the offices of the priest and the king in the Messiah. We know this is fulfilled by only one person, Jesus Christ our Lord.

We marvel at God’s glorious plan. As people impacted by this Messiah, we are now part of His movement to expand and establish the kingdom of God. Let’s be thankful to God for Jesus our Messiah and must live to play an active part in expanding His Kingdom.  

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