Thursday 19 September 2024

Zachariah 12:1-5 – God is for us

In Zechariah 12, God reveals His ultimate plan for Jerusalem. There will be national deliverance and spiritual redemption for her. The chapter points to a future where Israel’s enemies will be defeated. It promises a time when Israel will mourn and repent, leading to divine healing and restoration.

This chapter opens with God declaring His sovereignty. As the creator of the heavens, earth, and human life, His ultimate authority is behind every unfolding event. He controls history and man’s destiny.  

In the following four verses, God assures Jerusalem that He will protect her and will intervene against those nations who are hostile toward her. Attackers of Jerusalem will suffer at God’s dealing. He calls Jerusalem a “cup of reeling” because she will cause the stumbling of the surrounding nations. Because of God’s protection, nations that try to harm Jerusalem will face repercussions and hurt themselves.  The enemies’ charging horses will be confounded as God comes to the rescue of His people. God’s empowerment of Jerusalem will be recognized.

For Christians, the opening verse reminds us that God remains in control of history and the affairs of nations, including current global and personal challenges. Despite the chaos or opposition, we may face, we know God orchestrates all things according to His divine plan. Hence, in our time of uncertainty—politically, socially, or personally— we take comfort in the fact that God is still in control. Our faith in His sovereignty will help us remain steadfast, trusting His purpose even when we don’t fully understand the circumstances.

The church is the spiritual Jerusalem. Just as God protects Jerusalem, He will also protect the church. He will equip us to face spiritual conflict and resist the works of the enemy. We must stand firm in our faith, relying on Him through our prayers and living out the principles derived from His Word.  

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