Monday 2 September 2024

Zachariah 5:1-4 – Living under God’s watchful eye

So far, we have covered five of the series of eight visions that Zachariah saw. In Zachariah 3:9, God had in the past made a promise that the Messiah would cleanse the land of sin. This purification would occur through either forgiveness for those who repent or through destruction for those who persist in their sinful ways.

In Zachariah 5:1-4 is the prophet’s sixth vision. What the prophet sees is a looming judgment in the form of a massive flying scroll. It is a huge scroll of 20 cubits in length and 10 cubits in width. One cubit is approximately 18 inches. This would make the scroll approximately 30 feet long and 15 feet wide.

The scroll serves as a proclamation of God’s judgment upon all who choose to disregard His laws. Verses 1-3 show that there is no room for excuse, as the size of the scroll allows it to be visible to all and it traverses the entire land. Verse 4 then indicates that whether transgressions are committed against God or others, the wrongdoers will not go unpunished.

This passage is calling us to live life with an awareness of God’s ever presence and justice. It motivates us to live our lives in alignment with God’s principles gleaned from His Word. In life, we must be aware that we are living under the watchful eye of God and must deal righteously. There is no excuse for us to plead ignorance of the way we conduct our lives.   

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