Friday 20 September 2024

Zachariah 6-9 - Divinely empowered and protected

In the opening five verses of Zachariah 12, God refers to the siege of Jerusalem and how he would protect that city. In this discussion, we will explore verses 6-9, in which God promises to empower Jerusalem and save her and her people. 

This divine empowerment of Jerusalem is like a fire pot and a flaming torch, a powerful force that will consume the surrounding nations depicted as pieces of wood and dried leaves.  Jerusalem will be like a fire that speedily eradicates her enemies. Here is a promise of divine empowerment, a source of strength and judgment, making Judah a force to reckon with.

In verses 7-9, God’s prophetic message describes His protection and deliverance of His people, particularly in Jerusalem. First, the Lord will save the tents of Judah. Here, the tent of Judah represents the rural area compared to the more fortified city of Jerusalem. This will ensure that the glory of the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem will not overshadow Judah.

God will not allow one group of His people to be elevated above the other, which points to God’s impartiality. The house of David, the people of Jerusalem, and the people of Judah are all on equal standing before God. This equality ensures that no one can take undue pride because God’s salvation for His people is equally available to all.  

Verse 8 suggests that God will empower the weak. Even the lowest member among the people can be like King David, who symbolizes strength. This divine empowerment is to the extent that even the weakest of His people will be strengthened in battle.

The last part of verse 8 says, “The house of David will be like God, like the angel of the Lord before them.”  This is to say that the house of David, the ruling dynasty, will be empowered to lead the people. They will be like God in their authority and power, and like the angel of the Lord in their representation of God’s presence among His people.

Verse 9 reinforces God’s protection over His beloved people. Nations that come against Jerusalem will be destroyed. The ultimate triumph over the enemies belongs to God's people. This passage emphasizes God’s protection, the equality of His people in salvation, the empowerment of the weak, and the eventual victory over adversaries through divine intervention.

Four actions plan:

Firstly, trust in God’s promise to protect and empower His people. Be assured of His care and provision in difficult times. 

Secondly, recognize that God’s salvation and empowerment are equally available to everyone, regardless of one's background or status. 

Thirdly, God empowers even the weakest among His people and will uplift and support those who may be vulnerable or in need of strength. 

Fourthly, take heart in the assurance that, ultimately, God’s people will triumph over their enemies through divine intervention and remain steadfast in facing challenges with faith and courage.

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