Sunday 1 September 2024

Zachariah 4 – God will enable us supernaturally

Chapter 4 records Zachariah’s fifth vision. The account begins with the angel arousing the prophet to show him the vision. In this vision, Zachariah sees a golden lampstand with a bowl on top of it. On this golden lampstand are seven lamps, each with a spout leading from the lampstand.

This lampstand is flanked by two olive trees, one on the right and the other on the left. The olive trees kept pouring oil into the bowl on the lampstand to supply the seven lamps that provided the light. This reveals that the oil to the lamp is constantly supplied through the two olive trees.

Zachariah asks the angel to explain what he has seen. He is told that the vision is to encourage Zerubbabel to handle the temple reconstruction project.

In his task, Zerubbabel faces a mountain of problems and obstacles. His authority is limited by the Persians, his overlord. He is also confronted with a need for more labor and materials. His workers are also discouraged because some compare it to the significance of Solomon’s temple and despise what is being done. Furthermore, surrounding them are foreigners who are hostile to their work.

God sends him this message of encouragement and reassurance. Just as the lamps receive a continuous supply of supernatural oil, the temple will be finished through the power of God’s Spirit. God’s power, not human, will be the source of Zerubbabel’s strength.

In verses 11-14, the angel explains the two olive trees. They are the two anointed ones, referring to Zerubbabel and Joshua the High Priest. They stand by the Lord and are anointed to lead the people in rebuilding and restoring the temple.

We take away three critical lessons from this chapter. Firstly, God will supernaturally empower us when we do the Lord's work. Attempting to do our God-assigned task with our feeble strength will be an exercise in futility.

Secondly, God assures us of His assistance in whatever obstacles that may hinder our progress in His will.

Thirdly, we are assured of divine strength in accomplishing His work. We must rely on God's Spirit to tackle any seemingly impossible task. Even if progress seems slow and insignificant, we can achieve it with the power of the Spirit.

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