Friday 20 July 2018

Proverbs 31:3-9 – Don’t fall prey to women, wine and power

Nothing is more important than self-control in a world that is out-of-control. This is especially so for people in leadership position. Women, wine and the lust for power are the three common luring temptations to anyone who is in leadership. A leader will soon be toppled if he does not take care to ensure that he does not fall prey to these crippling influences. In six verses, Lemuel’s mother warns him against being enticed by women, intoxicated by wine and blinded by the lust for power. As it was important for Lemuel, in pursuing purity, avoiding debauchery and leading wisely, it should also be our aim in leading ourselves and others successfully.

A leader must never give his strength, meaning his vigour and attention, to another woman other than his wife. Even with his wife, he must be able to rightly apportion and wisely spend his energy in taking care of her. To do so inordinately is also not a wise thing. But what’s worst is when a leader is enticed and besotted by other women. He will go to untold ends and exhaust his energies trying to needlessly secure their approval and acceptance. In so doing, he finds his energies sapped by his out-of-control passion and unable to discharge his rightful duties to fulfil the role he has been placed in. Notice the women is in plural. It is referring to womanizing. This is particularly dangerous for people in leadership. For by virtue of their position, women will be attracted to them. It pays to be watchful not to be led astray by a wanton desire for illegal tryst.

Secondly, a leader must also not succumb to excessive drinking of wine. It is not a fitting thing for a leader to be intoxicated by alcohol. Excessive wine dulls a person’s sensibility and clouds his ability to judge and evaluate a situation justly. To come under the influence of alcohol is already bad for an ordinary person, it is certainly horrendous for a leader to lose grip of his mind. Under the influence of alcohol, it is absolutely possible for one to behave in an undignified way and bring disgrace to his role as a leader. He will most certainly magnify his misdeed and the people who look up to his leadership will lose respect for him. Under the influence of alcohol, a leader will not be so sharp and astute in discerning the issue. He will be rendered incapable to make sound judgment. It is needful for a leader to exercise abstinence and get a hold of his mind to be able to lead wisely. Remember wine cannot effectively help one to deal with any issue. It only dulls one’s sense, helps him momentarily escape the stress but it remains there when he awakes from his drunken stupor. Wine can never erase one’s misery.  

Finally, in verses 8-9, the advice to a leader is for one to rule justly and wisely. A leader must not be so blinded by power till he loses his sight and concern for the needy. A leader not only takes care of those who can contribute towards the advancement of his cause, he also takes the time to meet the needs of the less fortunate. He must temper his leadership with compassion. Authority must always be exercised with grace. Let’s leave here by returning to the words of Proverbs 25:28, that says, “Like a city that is broken into and without walls, is a man who has no control over his spirit. Between our goal and accomplishment, we need to cross via the bridge of discipline and self-control. We have no right to lead others when we are incapable of leading ourselves. Personal victory always precedes public success. Be wise and avoid the three crippling vices!

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