Tuesday 17 July 2018

Proverbs 30:25-28 – Small, insignificant but full 0f impact

One human tendency is for man to equate bigness with success. When something is small, sadly it is often considered as ineffective and even seen as skirting around failure. People can go for all kinds of self-help seminars conducted by success gurus, without realizing that the Bible is the greatest handbook on how to accomplish success and victory. There is a false notion that something small and insignificant cannot be successful and effective. But many great things come in small packages. Success isn’t all about greatness. It is everything about diligence, hard work, discipline, consistence and constancy. Proverbs 30:24-28 show us four animals from the kingdom of the animals to let us know that, as insignificant as we are, we can make great impact and accomplish much.  

First in the category shown in verse 25 are the ants. The reference to people is to show that they are like human beings, living in a well-coordinated community. They are diligent and hardworking and anticipate things ahead of time. They will not leave till the last minute to do things. In fact, they prepare well in advance. This is seen in their diligence to store up food in the summer so that they will have something to thrive on in winter. They are a model for the sluggard to emulate. Great people are usually hardworking and plan ahead of time. They do not procrastinate.

Second in the category shown in verse 26 are the rock-badgers. What are rock badgers? They are furry animals found largely across South Africa and the Middle East. They resemble a guinea pig but are more robust and do not belong to the category of the rodent. They make their homes in the peaks of the rocks, that are inaccessible from their predators. Here we see a picture of resourcefulness. People who are successful may not be big or great, but they are certainly resourceful.   
Third in the category spoken of in verse 27 are the locusts that do not have a king yet are very orderly. They are like a well-structured army. They move in a disciplined manner though they have no commander. They are self-regulated and need not have someone to call them into order. Though a formidable pest, the locusts are united and disciplined. Their organizational ability is commended.

Last in the category, alluded to in verse 28, is the lizard. It may be small and can be crushed easily with the hand, yet it can penetrate and have access to the grandest of buildings like the palace. The lizard is used to illustrate persistency. Successful people are persistent. They do not give up easily and are not easily stumbled by failures along the way. We need to learn to be persistent.

Remember success has nothing to do with bigness. Do not despise the day of small things. Take advantage of them and use it as a launching pad to something great and permanent. So, be diligent, resourceful, disciplined and persistent.   

1 comment:

  1. What a great God we serve! He created the animals & insects so that human can learn from them. Thank you for elaborating & teaching us, dear Pastor Clarence.
