Monday 2 July 2018

Proverbs 27:23-27 – Being wise stewards of God

The Bible tells us that we believers are stewards of our life and possessions. We are not owners but custodians. The life and possessions we have are entrusted to us to oversee and manage. The Apostle Paul saw himself as a steward and he said in 1 Corinthians 4:2 that a steward of God must be found trustworthy. In other words, he is required to faithfully discharge his duty. This being true, God will call us to account for what He has entrusted to us. Proverbs 27:23-27 deal briefly with this subject of stewardship. In five verses we are shown the benefits of good stewardship. The whole purpose is to encourage us into being wise and careful stewards of the possessions God has given us.

Farming and shepherding were common trades in the Bible. Looking after flocks and herds was something familiar to the people. So, using the language of a shepherd, Proverbs 27:23 charges all to be wise stewards by paying attention to look after their flocks and herds. In our context, our flocks and the herds are the things we possess - our time, life, family and home, career, ministry in church and, etc. The call is for us to be careful and wise steward of all that we are entrusted with. Careful stewardship has its attending benefits and that’s what verses 24-27 tell us so. These four verses give us reasons why we must be responsible stewards.

Firstly, in verse 25, we can see that what we possess is not permanent. Our past and present successes are no guarantee that our future will be just as successful. It implies that we need to be vigilant and not take for granted that whatever success we experience now, will be everlasting. We still need to be diligent and work at it. Most people tend to rest on their laurels once they have accomplished much. And this we cannot afford to do if we want to find continual success. The two words, riches and crown, are indications that the application of this principle has a wider context than just in the context of farming.  
Secondly, in verse 26, we can see that wise stewardship will bring new growth. He will not only profit from the harvest but also from his flocks and herds. His harvest is ensured because of his responsible effort. Not only that but his sheep and goats will also bring much profit. They will produce wool as well as milk for food. Wise stewardship in our careers will ensure growth in business and good profit.  

Thirdly, verse 27 tells us that wise stewardship will help us to make enough not only for ourselves but also enough to employ workers. The diligent steward will be able to get maids for the home and workers for the vineyard. He will have the capacity to employ others.

How will we be known as wise and good stewards? To be seen as wise and good steward, we need to exercise responsibility and live life with accountability. Besides, we must also see ourselves as only custodians of the gifts and grace of God and not owners. When these are our mindset, we can look forward to the reward at the final accounting before the Lord. Hear what C. S. Lewis, the British novelist and apologist in his book, Mere Christianity, said about stewardship. “Every faculty you have, your power of thinking or of moving your limbs from moment to moment, is given by God. If you devote every moment of your whole life exclusively to His service, you could not give Him anything that was not in a sense His own already.”  So, let us be wise stewards for His glory!

1 comment:

  1. Amen! Thank you, Pastor Clarence, for blessing us with what you learned from these verses in Proverbs. It is very humbling to know & be reminded that our whole being, everything & every moment we have is given by God. To God be all the glory!
