Wednesday 13 June 2018

Proverbs 24:3-9 – Why seek wisdom?

Having wisdom is needful to nurture a meaningful, fruitful and fulfilling life. The Bible continually exhorts us to acquire wisdom. Ever wonder what constitutes wisdom? The Word of God rightly tells us that the fear of the LORD is the beginning of all wisdom. Wisdom aptly defined, is the ability to act with sound judgement because of the knowledge and experience one has acquired through an abiding relationship with God. When that relationship deepens over time, one finds the ability to act and live right consistently. Therefore, we must stay connected to God and continue to walk with Him in reverential fear and awe for Him. A person who applies wisdom to his living will find it advantageous. So, in six verses, Proverbs 24:3-9 give us three benefits of exercising wisdom. 

Firstly, wisdom ensures a stable and peaceful home. Wisdom is not only confined to having moral principles but also seen in one’s astuteness. The word “house” in verse 3 is not referring to the physical building one dwells in but the family one establishes. A person with wisdom deploys it to build his home and leaves a rich legacy long after his earthly life has ended. In essence verses 3-4 is telling us that it takes understanding and knowledge to have a great marriage and well-raised children. A well-ordered and peaceful home, where every member finds his or her niche, is more precious that the riches one can acquire.

Secondly, wisdom endows one with strength for victory. The crux of what verses 5-6 is telling us, is that wisdom has the capacity to outdo brute force. Brains will always out-muscle brawn. Using the language of war, these verses tell us that with wisdom one can strategize to maximize his capacity and minimize the opponent’s strength. Wisdom helps us to see what’s coming against us and reveals the resources that are available to us to overcome them. To have wisdom is to have strength.    

Thirdly, wisdom enhances one’s effectiveness. What verses 7-9 convey to us is that wisdom cannot be proven wrong. No amount of words a fool can level at it can change its effectiveness. Wisdom always leaves its accusers speechless. As sure as wisdom will guarantee effectiveness in living, yet a fool will not seek it. He will find it difficult to attain. Not because it is not available to him but because he lacks the desire to want it and the effort to go for it. Instead of seeking wisdom, a fool will create strife and confusion through his many schemes of mischief. He channels his energy to act cunningly and his act will not only be an abomination to God but also to men.   Thankfully, Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 1:24 that Christ is the power and the wisdom of God for us who believe. Knowing Christ brings wisdom and hope in life.   

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