Wednesday 6 June 2018

Proverbs 23:12-18 – Why inculcate discipline?

The word discipline has different shades of meaning. It means the act of gaining self-mastery by enforcing control. It can also mean training that corrects attitude and behaviors. Discipline can also be applied to the task of molding godly and moral character. We all know that some appropriate punishments are also needed if we want to instill and inculcate lifelong discipline of the children we love.  

In six verses from Proverbs 23:12-18, we are given lessons on discipline. And verse 12 tells us that the place where discipline should start is the heart. We need to begin with the attitude of “want to” have discipline within us. When our heart has the desire to be disciplined, we are enabled to pursue it outwardly. We become more willing to hear the truth and then apply what we have heard to our life. Do take note that self-discipline is so important. It is like the muscles of our body. When we exercise them they become stronger. And when we neglect them, they will be weakened and even waste away.

Verses 13-14 show us that disciplining children is also important, especially when they are still young and pliant. Wise parents do not withhold correction from their children. We cannot expect them to grow up respecting self and others when we do not correct their waywardness. In disciplining our children, we need to deploy various methods depending on their receptivity. Many a time harsh measures need to be used. But we must remember that the goal of our discipline is to shape their will and not destroy their spirit. So, we use the rod wisely with moderation. But we must not be afraid to use them. The application of discipline may be painful but we will bring them toward the right path. We are in reality helping them to veer off the path of destruction.    

As children we must remember that when we are disciplined, we delight the hearts of our parents. Verses 15-16 can also be applied to our relationship with our spiritual leaders or parents. When we become receptive to their instructions and build godly discipline, we gladden our leader’s heart. Notice in verse 12, discipline begins in the heart. This is where discipline must begin. When we have the right inner attitude, we will pursue the right path. When the heart is willing, our ears are made ready to hear instruction, especially godly ones. Then from the hearing with the ears, verse 16 shows us that we will be empowered to speak rightly with our lips.

Verses 17-18 encourage us not to be envious of others, especially sinners. They may seem prosperous and better off now but they will have a very different end. The right discipline to have in life is the cultivation of the fear of the LORD.  Believers must make this their priority in life. For at the final accounting, every life will be reviewed. We will know then that being passionate for God far outweighs the riches of the world. When we remain steadfast to God and all His instructions, we will be enriched in this life and the life hereafter. So, heed Jesus’ words in Matthew 6:33, “…seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”  

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