Friday 1 June 2018

Proverbs 22:7-12 – Building a credible life

It is true that trust takes a lifetime to build, just a second to break, and forever to repair. Meaningful relationships in life are maintained by trust. And there can be no trust when there is no trustworthiness. So here in Proverbs 22:7-12, we are given some tips on how to build a trustworthy, credible life.  

One area that we need to be vigilant if we are to build a credible life is in the way we view money and wealth. The fact of life is that there are more poor people than there are rich. Hence, this verse depicts the rich in singular and the poor in plural. Wealth lends power to the rich. Whereas poverty diminishes a person to a life of servitude. People lose their freedom to live as they ought when they lean on the financial assistance of another. It is obviously clear that we should have a decent job and then be diligent and honest to earn our keeps. That will ensure that we are not made slavery to poverty. We must exercise godly stewardship of our wealth.  

While wealth bestows power to someone, it can also cause one to use it to suppress others. Verse 8 is a warning to the rich not to abuse their power. They are not to brandish and abuse their power to suppress the poor or their subordinates. Such a person need to know that he is accountable for any of his cruel deeds. This verse implies that the LORD will thwart all cruelty. What is not obviously stated here, James 5:3-4 made it obvious. He said, “Behold, the pay of the laborers who mowed your fields, and which has been withheld by you, cries out against you; and the outcry of those who did the harvesting has reached the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth. One who practices cruelty will be dealt with severely. Proverbs 22:9 then gives an invitation to be generous. This is another factor that contribute to a credible life. It says, “He who is generous will be blessed, for he gives some of his food to the poor.” We can never be poorer when we give to others, especially the poor and needy. Remember, we are told earlier that “he who gives to the poor lends to the Lord.” God blesses one who is generous now in his lifetime and also ultimately, in eternity.   

Proverbs 22:10 tells us our credibility also will be ruined by those we run with. If we run with the skunk, we will smell like the skunk. So here we are advised not to emulate the scoffers, people who are depleted of sound moral and godly conscience. Such kind of people have no respect for others, not even God. They are always the cause of contention and disquiet. For our own sake and the sake of the community, we must be careful who we mix with, and the influence we are getting.   

Proverbs 22: 11 gives us another key to build credibility. It is to be sincere. And sincerity is easily detected from his speech. “The purity of heart” here speaks of sincerity. When one has sincerity, the natural outcome is that he will speak honestly. Flattery and insincere speech are noxious and can be quickly detected. They are clear reflection of duplicity. Speech has a way to reveal our character. A sincere person has the habit of expressing honestly. He becomes winsome to everyone. This verse tells us that everyone wants such a friend and even kings would befriend a sincere person.

Proverbs 22:12 exhorts us to be God-centred if we are to have a credible life. This is the surest way to maintain credibility. When we are conscious of God and want to please Him in every way, we say and act with Him in mind. We will not want to do anything that will discredit His name and dishonour Him. It is true that God watches over us. Second Chronicles 16:9a says, “For the eyes of the Lord move to and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His.  God will not honor those who are false and treacherous and will not express the truth. Their intention will be thwarted. So, let us be honest, but more importantly be God-conscious!          

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