Sunday 29 January 2017

Psalms 22:22-31 – The joy of God’s deliverance

In describing the pain and agony he suffered at the hand of Saul, David was unwittingly describing the pain and agony Christ went through at Calvary. Many things he said in this Psalm was quoted by the New Testament writers to ascribe to Christ. The Lord underwent great trials and tortures at the hands of the authority, and now has been empowered with great auth0rity to come to deliver His people.

Having described Christ’s pain, agony and abandonment, David now turned to speak of praise and hope He brought. David was speaking confidently that he would live to celebrate God’s deliverance and that he would share a meal of thanksgiving with the poor and needy. He was unknowingly and prophetically speaking of Christ’s resurrection. He was in fact talking about the joy, deliverance and celebration that Christ’s resurrection would bring. These are the themes in verses 22-31.

In verse 21 David speaks about how God would deliver and answer when called upon for help. Unlike when He was alone on the cross, Christ now in His resurrection would no longer be alone. He would be found praising God in the midst of a great assembly. At verse 22, the scene changed. He was found in the midst of His brethren and was making known the glory of God.  In verses 23-26 He would be in the midst of Israel. In verses 27-31, He was found in the midst of the Gentiles. His good news would travel far and wide so that all the families of the nations will come and hear of it. All, the wealthy, the self-sufficient, those who are dying and countless generations that are yet to come, will hear about this God who saves, and will put their trust in Him.

From these verses, we learn that no matter what we are going through we need to recognize that they are God’s dealing with us. We must learn to trust Him even if we don’t understand it all. He will never leave us unaided. God can be trusted to come to our rescue. Therefore we should faithfully serve Him and regardless of how trying our circumstances may be, we must learn to wait patiently on God to deliver us in His own good time. Learn to thank and praise Him in all circumstances! 

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