Tuesday 3 January 2017

Psalm 4:4-8 – Godly habits result in security in God

The first three verses of Psalm 4 is a challenge to focus on God. It’s both a call to continue living a life of honour for God, and a call for the wayward to return to God and live a consecrated and godly life. The kind of life that pleases God is best demonstrated by actions and not just expressed in words. What constitutes this kind of life? In verses 4-8, the author lists for us some imperatives that the godly should engage in. 

In saying that we should tremble and not sin, the Psalmist is saying that when confronted by a disturbing situation, the godly should not engage in activities that would lead to sin. Many in the world would seek their answers through ungodly counsel when troubled. Some had sought answers through medium. But godly people avoid such engagement, knowing that they would incur the displeasure of God. The advice of the author here is for such people to stop fretting, but instead be still and muse in one’s heart as one turns in to sleep. Reflect on the issue but don’t take knee jerk reaction and jump into wrongful steps. The idea is to think through it even in bed and rest in the Lord. Being still and resting in the Lord can take place only when we fully trust Him.

The next imperative is to offer the sacrifices of righteousness. This is offering worship to God and seek to serve Him and not the course of idols. Bear in mind that in those days they were surrounded by idolatrous nations. They were open to temptation to follow the ways of those pagan. The challenge was to stay calm and keep trusting God, keep relying on Him. This is what the godly must do. Verse 6 exhorts the godly to keep looking towards God and refuse to bow to the voices of the negative, discouraging, disparaging voice that would create doubts in God. Instead of entertaining those negative voices, the call is to seek the face of God till His countenance brightens on us. This is the Aaronic blessing of Numbers 6:25– that God will cause His face to shine upon us. 

The Psalmist reminds us that God is the source of real joy. It is a joy more than anything can bring. Some find joy through plenty, but true joy can only be found in the Lord. It has no bitter aftertaste. The wine that God gives doesn’t leave any hang-overs. If we trust in this righteous God, we can confidently go to bed and rest perfectly in Him. Ultimately it is God who would provide security and safety to our life. The true peace we all enjoy as believers, rests in our confidence in God. It rests in our knowledge of God that He is greater than all our dangers, whatever they may be. He is the one who can guarantee our safety. Nothing and no one else can do so.

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