Wednesday 18 January 2017

Psalm 14:1-7 and Psalm 53 – What is a fool?

Both Psalms 14 and 53 are identical - word-for-word. David had written these Psalms and again addressed them to the chief musician. He was contrasting the people of God with the people who refused to acknowledge God. His definition of a fool is anyone who denies that God exists. They have thrust God out of their heart. Because of the disbelief in the existence of God, they become corrupt and would act wickedly. Every deed of theirs is characterized by evil. And the world is filled with them. 

In verse 2, we are told that God has a desire. He longs for people to know and acknowledge Him. So He searches the world wishing to find people who have a heart for Him. However, people who will seek to know and understand Him are few and far in between. Generally speaking, there is no natural seeker of God. Mankind has a heart that is inclined toward evil. Since the disobedience of Adam, man has inherited a natural propensity that gravitates towards evil. Paul in Romans 3:10-12 quoted these words, for he also saw as David saw. Everyone outside of a relationship with God is wicked and evil. “There is no righteous, no not one.” Only the wise would factor God into their life and call upon Him.

Thankfully, in the world, God does have people who trust Him. Since the coming of Jesus, many through Him had returned to the Father. And there are more and more people being drawn to the Father. But still, there are many wicked people who still refuse to acknowledge God and would tyrannize the people who trust and believe in God. David describes the bullying of God’s people as a man-eating bread. It is very heartening to know that God is on the side of the oppressed. They are those who belong to God and would come to Him for refuge. The wicked fail to realize that they are actually touching God when they oppress the poor who belong to God. Hence they are doomed to fail. David recognized that God is the deliverer of Israel. By extension, He is also the deliverer of the people who have a relationship with Him through Christ. From Zion, the holy presence of God would come the deliverer. And Israel, the children of Jacob, and everyone who acknowledges God will eventually be restored and rejoice in their salvation.

From these Psalms, we know that a fool is not one who is lacking in mental capacity but one who is spiritually rebellious. Hence they act as if there is no God. Persisting in their stubbornness of disregarding God, they will eventually deny the existence of God. They will build a mindset that God does not exist. While we have a majority of this type of people in the world, we thank God for the community of God’s people that is increasing incrementally. We know that there’s a final accounting coming. Let’s be found worthy to be numbered among God’s righteous people. Let not give up but instead, join God in His search to recruit more to join the community of the righteous!   

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