Tuesday 24 January 2017

Psalms 19:1-6 – The creation declares the glory of God

This Psalm 19 written by David to the choir director is neatly divided into two great sections. Verses 1-6 speak of the glory of God being declared in creation. Verses 7-14 speak of the glory of God being declared in the Scripture, the Word of God. Today we want to dwell on what David is saying in verses 1-6.

David wants us to know that behind the orderliness and precision of the universe, there is a great God. It is very much like looking at a piece of gorgeous painting and be brought to the conclusion that a greater artiste had painted it. So in the same way when we look at the universe - the planetary system, the moon, the stars and especially the sun, all orbiting in precision, we see the hand of God, the Great Creator behind it.

Each day without fail, the sun would rise with its brilliant penetrating light, piercing into every part of earth. In that great brilliance, no part of our wonderful earth is left unexposed to its warmth. David personified the sun as a bridegroom cheerfully coming out of his chamber, full of strength and vitality to gloriously live out his day. Paradoxically, while this universe does not speak a word, yet eloquently it speaks volumes. It tells of the greatness of a glorious God. We can’t help but see the handprint of our God who is wise, powerful, majestic, orderly, and authoritative in action. What’s beautiful about this is that it does not just happen occasionally or every now and then, it speaks continually. Every new day without fail, we see its glory perpetually declared. This has been happening since the dawn of creation. How marvellous!

Who dare to say that there is no God! No wonder God calls that person who denies Him a fool. We don’t need much wisdom to tell that without God, all this universe would not be spinning in so great a precision and exactitude. The God we honour is great! And it’s humbling to know that He cares for us enough to make known His presence to us personally. Remember, like the universe, we too exist to declare His praise!   

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