Monday 16 January 2017

Psalm 12:1-8 – A cry for preservation

David wrote this Psalm. He wrote it for the choir director. It was specially written for the eight-stringed lyre. David’s desire was for God to preserve and keep the righteous for they were surrounded by wicked people. He started with a cry for help in verses 1-2. In his estimate, he saw a decrease in godliness. We can roughly guess how this can happen. When people become distracted and their concern gravitates toward the mundane. They have no thought for God nor the things of God. Hence they would not seek a relationship with Him. This is a reminder to us not to lose sight of God. 

David saw that as people become unconcerned about God and godly things, the result obviously would be a decrease in faithful people. It would be evident in the increase of deceitful speeches people would make. Many would flatter and speak one thing when they mean another. And there is no consistency in their speech. They hypocritically lie and flatter without any truth. Such people would be caught in their evil and become deluded, and oblivious of their flaws. They would have no regard for God or others, asserting that they were masters of their own fate. They boasted, thinking that they could overcome others with their clever speeches. They failed to realize the sovereign control of God.  

In verse 5 David reminded himself of what God had said, “Because of the devastation of the afflicted, because of the groaning of the needy, now I will arise,” says the Lord; “I will set him in the safety for which he longs.” David was confident that God would never leave the righteous in their plight. He was very sure that God would arise and preserve the righteous. He was confident because he knew the integrity and faithfulness of God, who had never failed in fulfilling what He had said. In contrast to man’s words, God’s words are dependable and trustworthy. God’s words had been proven to be true over and over in life. Hence David was confident that God would keep what He had promised, and hence He completely trusted God for himself and those in right relationship with Him, to be preserved.

We are reminded to stay focused, so that we will not add to the number of ungodly people. We must stay intact with God, and daily build on the relationship we have with Him. When we do that, there will be more people who are true to God. We should not be taken in by flattering words of deception.  We should instead be discerning and seek to be guided by God’s Word. The best thing to do as we progress in our journey with God is to fully trust Him and His Word. Don’t be distracted but know that God is trustworthy and we can rest in His promises. So we must learn to take comfort in Him in the midst of any suffering. We must seek to live our life in accordance to what He had prescribed in the Word. 

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