Friday 3 July 2015

James 4:11-17 – Attitude that pleases

One fallacy of man is that he tends to be critical. People, even Christians, tend to develop a critical spirit, particularly when what others do or see appears to be different from theirs. To act disparagingly towards others puts one in the role of God and this ought not to be so.

James began, in verse 11, by instructing believers not to speak against fellow believers. The two words “do not …” clearly show that this is a command, not a request. Being in the imperative mood tells us that this is a strong admonition for believers to adhere to. James forbade one from passing judgment against a fellow believer. Why? He said that this is God’s role and He alone has the right to judge and not man. To speak against or to judge a brother would make one higher than the law. Believers are called to follow the instruction of the law, not to be the judge of it. James re-emphasized that there is only one person qualified to judge. He is none other than God Himself. He is qualified because He gave the law. Furthermore, unlike us, He is the only One who could save and destroy.

When we come to verses 14-17, we see James telling believers not to assume the role of God in relation to their personal decision. In verse 13, he told believers what would result when one does that: it would lead one to be presumptuous. To act presumptuously would imply that like God, one knows everything ahead. Yet the harsh facts of reality tell us that nobody knows the opportunity ahead. Instead of being presumptuous, one should put his trust in God and learn to lean on Him for guidance. He also tells us here that being presumptuous also make a person susceptible to deception. Further reasons were given why one should not act on presumption. No one has knowledge about his future, nor the length of his life. The right thing to do, James proposed, was to factor the will of God in one’s planning. In verses 16-17, James said that to be presumptuous would lead one to transgress against God. All boasting is evil. The right thing to do is to do what is right. James concluded here that to ignore doing the right thing would tantamount to sin.

As Christians, we must realize and acknowledge that God is sovereign. We must understand that every day we exist is a gift from God. It behooves us therefore that we must live each day in the light of God’s sovereignty! We must lean on Him to make our decision and not presume on His grace. 

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