Friday 17 July 2015

1 John 4:20-5:3 – What is brotherly love?

As John moves closer to the conclusion of his first letter, he sought to fortify all that he had said so far. In the concluding remarks he literally addressed practical concerns that might have been raised as a result of all that he had said.  He had talked so much about love, so we can guess that there were some who wanted a clearer definition of brotherly love. In these verses, John defined what brotherly love really looks like. While defining, he found space to deal with the potential excuses that could be raised for failure to love the brethren.

Verse 19 leaves the possibility for one to claim that loving God would be enough. Therefore, in verse 20, John wanted them to know that loving God does not mean that one does not need to love his brethren anymore. If one truly loves God, his love would also be translated into loving his brother. Love for the unseen God must of necessity be expressed in one’s love for the brethren whom we can see. The reason is because loving a person we can see, is easier than loving someone our eyes cannot see. How can we say we love God whom our eyes cannot see, and yet not love someone whom God loves and can be seen with one’s naked eyes. Besides, John said, God had left the commandment that believers should love both God and his brethren.

In 1 John 5:1, we see the clearest hint of how a person is saved. Salvation, John said, is received by believing that Jesus is the Christ. Everyone who believes in Jesus Christ is our brother or sister; hence, we belong to the same family. Therefore, love must be accorded to all who believe because we are in the same family and share a common divine parentage. Verse 2 tells us that we love other believers best when we love God and are obedient to His commandments. Therefore, verse 3 said that the primary proof that one has loved God and man is by the keeping of His commandments. And that is: to obey the Word of God. John added here that God’s commandments are not burdensome. In reality, the consequences of disobedience are more burdensome. So let’s demonstrate our love for God by loving our brethren and thus validates our obedience to His Word!

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