Wednesday 22 July 2015

2 John 1-3 – Truth, the foundation of genuine love

It is not uncommon for writers of the New Testament Epistles to refer to themselves as elders. So it came as no surprise that John should call himself an elder in both 2 and 3 John. Hence it does not necessarily indicate someone else was using John’s name and had written these letters. Remember that John was quite advance in years while writing these letters. The purpose of 2 John was to warn believers against showing hospitality to false teachers. John’s concern was not about meeting the needs of these false teachers as much as the opportunity afforded to them to spread their heresies. 

John was very likely referring to a local assembly using the phrase the “chosen lady and her children.” He used this phrase to keep the identity of that particular local assembly and the members from being identified in order to protect that assembly. Bear in mind that John was living in the period of time when the threat of persecution to the church was real. He could have deliberately chosen this personification to cover the identity of that assembly. 

In the first three verses, we see that John did not attempt to hide his love for them. This love was possible only because it was built on something they had mutually: the truth. This truth here is referring to the revelation in Scriptures. So important is this truth to John that in just three verses, he used this word four times. He knew that their love for each other was built on this truth. On top of wishing them grace, mercy and peace, John added that they would be experiencing these in truth and love. All these flow from God the Father and Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father.

We cannot deny that love is one of the New Testament signs of genuine faith. Bear in mind that true love is not merely about feelings and emotion. It has to do with discipline and sound mind as well. Hence, true love is not afraid to set the reasonable boundaries based on the truth of God’s word. Beloved, let our love be sincere and genuine and based on the truth of God's Word!

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