Tuesday 21 July 2015

1 John 5:16-21 - Living truly for Christ

True love for our brethren is demonstrated by showing concern for them. One’s primary concern should be to pray for the brethren to obey God. Continuing from where he left off in the previous verses, John showed that believers can deploy prayer, our God given instrument, for our brethren. Bear in mind that prayer is not overcoming God’s reluctance but laying hold of His willingness. So in praying for our brethren, (1) we are showing love for them; and (2) we are seeking God’s help for them. Specifically, these verses have to do with praying for our brethren who have sinned.

While we are asked to pray for our brothers who had committed sin, we are told not to pray for those whose sins that are leading to death. This is where the complication is. What constitutes a sin leading to death? Remember that John was speaking to believers who were exposed to Gnostic teachings, that essentially denies Christ and the teaching of the Apostles. How can one have life when one stubbornly refuses to acknowledge the source of life? In the New Testament, the writer to the Hebrews said that it would be impossible to restore one to repentance, when he had rejected Christ after having tasted His goodness (Hebrews 6:4-6). Perhaps this was what John was talking about. The certainty of death would fall upon a person who obstinately refuses to acknowledge the Lordship of Christ, to a point where he would totally dissociate with Him. It is likely that he was talking about not praying for such kind of a person

However, verse 17 implores believers to pray for all who have sinned because there is a sin not leading to death. Let’s not allow our lack of theological understanding be a hindrance to praying for others. We acknowledge that this is a tough issue, but we are called to love and not to judge. We should seek to be the light and not to judge our fellow believers. Whether a person is ultimately saved or not is not our call, it’s God’s. Let’s do our part to pray for them and leave the judgment part to the Lord, who alone had the right to judge. Our key to this is: keep on praying and quit worrying about the tares in the Kingdom. They will be taken care of at the final harvest and accounting.

Finally, John set out to fortify the lives of believers. He gave them some instructions to help them strengthen themselves, and not be lured into idolatrous practices. As God’s children, we should not live a life pandering to sin. And as we learn to walk closely to the Lord living by the Word, we will find divine immunity from the touch of the evil one. Why? That is because we belong to God and separated from the system of the world, which the evil one has power over.

or believers, we can know God intimately and can certainly abide in God and in His Son, Jesus Christ, Who is the true God and eternal life. This eternal life John talked about is a relationship with the Father and the Son. So as John closed, he sent a stern warning. Guard yourself from idols. Since this letter had been warning against false teachers and their teaching, hence to depart from the true God and His teaching, would tantamount to idolatry. We must always seek to walk and live right and so please the Lord. Let this be a core value we seek to build in our Kingdom living. 

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