Wednesday 1 July 2015

James 3:13-18 – Go for godly wisdom

In these six verses, James gave us characteristics of two kinds of wisdom: godly wisdom and earthly wisdom. In verse 13, he showed two things that would be displayed in a person with godly wisdom. It would be seen through his behavior in life and the demonstration of his gentle attitude.

In verses 14-16, James exposed the characteristics of earthly wisdom.  The bitter jealousy and selfish ambition demonstrate the fact that earthly wisdom is divisive. Furthermore, it shows itself in dishonesty and deception by being arrogant and lying against the truth. Verse 15 identifies the source of such wisdom: it is not from above but earthly, and natural and even demonic. In other words, it originates from the carnal fallen nature of man that finds its root in the devil. James heightened his description of earthly wisdom in verse 16 by saying that such wisdom only brings about every disorderliness and destruction.   

From verses 17-18, James described the heavenly wisdom that can only be found as one connects to God. Such wisdom demonstrates itself in purity, peace, gentleness, reasonableness, mercy, positive fruits, perseverance, truthfulness and prudence. Notice that all these traits have to do with one’s relationship with others. People with such wisdom show deep consideration for others. It is demonstrated in interpersonal relationship where peace would always be the objective as well as the means. Its fruits would be an abundant harvest of righteousness. 

The Bible shows us that true wisdom has to do with relationship. It’s about relationship with God, family members, neighbors and self. Therefore true wisdom begins with God and the more we connect with Him, the better equipped we are to handle relationships. As we live, let’s remember that the Cross of Calvary is God’s idea to mend our relationship. The Cross has two beams; a vertical beam and a horizontal beam. The vertical bar represents our relationship with God and the horizontal bar, our relationship with fellowmen. As we look to the Christ of the old rugged Cross, let’s receive the wisdom to demonstrate faith in God and love towards men! In so doing, live to honor God in our relationship with our fellowmen!

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