Saturday 27 November 2021

Deuteronomy 28:7-14 – How will we be blessed?

Emphatically, God assured the people of Israel that He would be the one who would bless them. In these eight verses from Deuteronomy 28:7-15, the LORD repeatedly affirmed that He would bless them. The two words, “I will…” were reiterated five times. This is an indication that God would be the source of their blessings. They would receive all these wonderful promises from Him when they made the decision and walked in obedience. How would God bless them?

Firstly, God assured them that they would have complete victory over the enemies who dared to come against them. The enemies might come against them in one direction but would have to flee in seven. This was by way of saying that they would rout the enemies completely. God assured them of absolute victory.

Secondly, God assured them of abundance. They would have no lack in the land that God would give to them. He would bless them and see to it that their barns would be filled. Whatever their hands set out to do, they would experience an increase.

Thirdly, God assured them that when they walked in obedience to His commandments they would be recognized as His people. They would be identified as people belonging to God and would be greatly feared. Their character and conduct would clearly demonstrate that they were a people belonging to God.

Fourthly, God assured them of fruitfulness and prosperity. They would not only experience fruitfulness and increase in their posterity but their animals and even their crops would also be fruitful. God would supply the ample rain in the harvest season so that they could reap abundantly. They would have so much that there would be no moment that they would need to borrow. They would only be lenders and not borrowers.

Fifthly, God assured them that they would always be taking the lead. They would be the head and not the tail and they would be on top and not underneath. They would always be on top of their game.  

These verses ended by reiterating the need for them to be obedient. This was important because the blessings God promised were contingent on obedience. To be blessed God’s people must not deviate from the instructions and commandments of God. If we are to experience victory, abundance, fruitfulness, recognition as God’s people, and be living above the circumstances of life, we need to hear His word, then diligently and strictly live them out. Don’t be stressed. Just be obedient and be blessed! God’s promises never fail!

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