Tuesday 23 November 2021

Deuteronomy 27:9-10 – Faith requires Obedience

Notice the inclusion of the Levitical priests in Deuteronomy 27:9-10. As Moses spoke to all of Israel, he did it with the Levitical priests. Why? This was because the teaching ministry would soon be entrusted to the Levitical priests. Moses was barred from entering the promised land because of what happened at the water of Meribah. He was instructed to speak to the rock to bring forth water, but he did not do as instructed. Being provoked by the people, he struck the rock twice in disgust instead of speaking to it. In his anger, he had shown contempt and disrespect for God. For not obeying the Lord as he should, he forfeited his opportunity to enter the promised land. Moses' experience here demonstrates how important obedience is to God. 

In Deuteronomy 29:9-10, we see the affirmation of God’s requirement of them to be obedient to His commandments and instructions. They were God’s covenant people, called to represent God and to fulfill His purpose. Hence obeying God was imperative. God expected them to obey His commandments and to be diligent to act on them. Just as God expected obedience from Israel, His people, He also expects us to be obedient.

Ever wonder why God requires that we obey Him? Here are a few reasons why God requires that we obey Him. Firstly, obedience is a posture of trust. When we obey God, we are indicating that we trust in what He says and would willingly do it. Secondly, obedience is an indication of our love for Him. Love always shows itself in obedience. Obedience is love in action. Thirdly, obedience releases the blessings of God. When we obey God, we will be doing His will and that set the stage for Him to release His blessings on us. Fourthly, God desires obedience more than sacrifice. He knows that when we are obedient we will be ready to make the sacrifice. Fifthly, obedience is a demonstration of faith. Abraham obeyed God and was reckoned to him as righteousness. Sixthly, by being obedient to His word, we will be demonstrating that we are truly living for Him. Finally, obedience is a choice. It is a decision to walk in the unlimited resources and wisdom of God, rather than flounder around in our limited capacity. Choose to be obedient every day and enjoy the truly good things of life! 

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