Wednesday 3 November 2021

Deuteronomy 22 – Be wholly devoted to God

God’s intention for the people of Israel was clear. In Exodus 19:6, He particularly told them saying, “…you shall be to Me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.” They were His covenant people, and their lives must reflect so. Now that they were about to enter the promised land where the pagans live, there would be the risk of being influenced by them. They would be tempted to live like them. God wanted them to remember their identity and calling. Deuteronomy 22:9-12 gave four instructions to help them to remember their identity and calling. Three of the instructions told them what they could not do, and one told them what they should do.  

The three instructions stated in the negative were: they must not sow mixed seeds in the same vineyard. They were not to plow the ground with the ox and donkey together. Lastly, they were not to wear clothes made with wool and linen. By not allowing them to plant mixed seeds in their sowing, mixed animals in plowing, and mixed material in their dressing, they would be reminded of their unique position in God. These constitute a call from God for them to remain singular in their devotion to Him. Those forbidden practices were intended to remind them not to contaminate their belief and walk, with the way the pagan would conduct their lives. Whether in personal or working life, the people of God must devote themselves wholeheartedly to Him. What about the instruction to sew tassels on the four corners of their garment? The tassels were meant to remind them of the commandments of God and the need to practice them. When they do that, they would identify themselves as God’s holy people.

There are many luring attractions in the world. Many voices are constantly speaking and calling out, vying for our attention. Yet we know that Godly values and worldly values are incongruent. We have been drawn out of the world to be God’s peculiar people. We cannot afford to put one foot in God’s kingdom and the other in the world. We cannot profess to be His and live like the world. God wants to be the Lord of every aspect of our lives. It is hard to live for Him when are not totally devoted to Him. We have put out hands on the plow, so don’t look back. Set your affection on Him and not on the things of the world. Live to honor and please Him! 


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