Friday 5 November 2021

Deuteronomy 22:22-30 – Be faithful to our marriage

Marriage, as we have established, is a picture of God’s relationship with Israel as a nation. And God expected them to be faithful like Him. Hence the Old Testament frequently uses adultery as an illustration of Israel’s unfaithfulness to God. From this, we conclude that marital fidelity is the best way to portray the faithfulness of God and He would not allow it to be violated. Besides, faithfulness is one sure key to a good marriage just as infidelity is the surest way to destroy it. This perhaps was the reason why in the seventh commandment God states, “You shall not commit adultery.” (Exodus 20:14)

What is adultery and why is it devastating to a marriage? Adultery technically is committing a sexual relationship a person has with another person who is not one’s spouse. Adultery is devastating because it tears away the bond between a husband and wife who had pledged to be faithful to each other. It is a violation of the trust that spouses have for each other in marriage. God’s prescription of the death sentence for one caught in adultery indicates how important faithfulness in marriage is to Him.

Deuteronomy 22:22-30 describe some ways adultery could be committed among His people as they entered the promised land. In the context of Deuteronomy, it is needful to note that a betrothal was as good as a marriage. Verse 22 shows that adultery had taken place when a man had sexual intimacy with another man’s wife. Mutual consent seems to be implied. In such a situation both the man and the woman were to be stoned to death. In verses 23-24, a betrothed woman who willingly had sexual relations with a man who was not her fiancé was deemed to have committed adultery. Her willingness is implied by her not screaming for help. If it was a rape she would have screamed for help. Since it was a consensual relationship, both would be put to death. Verses 28-29 said that if an unengaged virgin was raped and was caught, the one who had violated her must pay the girl’s father fifty shekels of silver. On top of the payment, he would have to marry her and would not be allowed to divorce her all the days of her life. Verse 30 in the Hebrew Bible is placed in the next chapter. It forbade a man from marrying his stepmother to have sexual relations with her. He was not allowed to have sexual relations with the woman who was once his father’s wife. Deuteronomy 27:20 tells us that to do so would be to invite a curse on himself.

The prescription of these scriptures shows us that what God wants is to discourage sexual immorality and encourage marital fidelity. When God’s people adhere to His instructions, marriages will be protected, and good marriages will be ensured. Solid marriages mean solid homes, and solid homes mean solid community. What a testimony it will be for God when His community is strong. Widespread immorality in our modern society has been the cause of many broken marriages and homes. God’s people must not contribute to such an appalling state. Faithfulness to our spouse must be our aim in life so that we can build a great marriage and a stable home to glorify God. It is also a reflection of our commitment to Him and His commands. 

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