Monday 30 April 2018

Proverbs 15:29-33 – Being receptive to God and godly counsel

Nothing is more important than having our LORD with us in the journey. We can be sure that this is the wish of every true believer of God. The perpetual presence of God is possible for us who trusts in the Lord Jesus. Remember, He promises to be with us to the end of the age. Proverbs 15:29 affirms the promise that God will be with us, who have chosen to believe in Him. This verse begins by telling us that He is far from the wicked. The emphasis is to make known that He will never respond to the cry of the wicked. When they call out to him even in desperation, they will not be heard. But this is not so for the righteous, people who are walking aright with Him. He inclines His ears toward us and will respond to our prayer. This is so encouraging for us who make prayer a major part of life.

While bad news sell, it is good news that will gladden the heart. It is explicitly clear that it is better to hear good news than to entertain bad ones. A twinkle in the eye delights the heart suggests the brightening of one’s eyes when a person receives good news. It cheers a person up and makes his day. Just imagine when you receive news from a doctor that you have a clean bill of health. Or imagine your boss tells you of your promotion and an increment in pay. The second part of this verse makes it clear that good news brings vitality to fortify the body. It is indeed good news that our covenant GOD promises to hear us when we call.    

The last three verses of Proverbs 15 underscore for us the importance of being open to sound counsel. One who hears and takes heed to the correction of the wise will find ways to make life better. He takes the word of the wise seriously and finds answers to issues that confound him. A person who disregards the counsel of the wise is throwing his life away. It is therefore important that we accept the counsel of the wise and seek to associate with them. It is among them that we can be appropriately corrected when it is needed. Verse 32 tells us that to ignore words of correction or disregard discipline is detrimental to living a righteous life. As we have discovered, discipline includes teaching, coaching, counselling, instructing, and admonishing. And one who is receptive to the right kind of discipline gains insight to life. One who has no regard for sound advice or counsel suggests that he is not taking the path to true life seriously. Verse 33 caps this chapter with the emphasis on the fear of the Lord. It is in reverential fear of the Lord that we find instruction leading to wisdom. Besides, when we fear the LORD, we are led to a life of humility that will bring us to a place where we will be receptive to receive His wise instruction. Such a person will find the delight of God and the honor of man.

Here in these verses we find the affirmation to the Words of Psalm 1. Let us make it our business to be that blessed man that will not walk in the counsel of the ungodly. Let us make it our business to delight in the Word of God and meditate on them day and night. We shall find fruitfulness and stability and rich resources for life and living. Let’s actively approach God and commune with Him and find richness in life!   

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