Tuesday 24 April 2018

Proverbs 14:28-35 – Being effective leaders

These verses are written to rulers to guide and help them govern the nation effectively. Though not many of us hold that kind of governmental position, but we can hold leadership position in our careers, organization or church. We can apply these verses to our position as leaders. We shall consider how to apply this to our leadership role.

In essence verse 28 tells us that the strength of an organization is in the quality of its leader. His competence as a leader will encourage devotion from his followers. A great leader is seen in the number of followers who will pledge their allegiance to him. For in garnering more devoted followers who support him, he secures his own honour. The people he has under him attest to his capability as a leader. One who lacks followers cannot be said to be an effective or impactful leader. He lacks the people to help him advance his cause.

Verses 29-30 tell us the temperament of a leader helps us to differentiate between a good or not so good one. A good leader is one who does not take offense quickly. He is even tempered and patiently seeks to make sense of any given situation. No wonder James, the Lord’s brother, in his letter admonishes believers to be slow to anger, for an angry man cannot do the righteous work of God. Note that a person who flies off his handle quickly exhibits folly. A ruler who learns to take things in its stride shows even temperedness. He demonstrates a peaceful disposition and an inner tranquillity. By this his physical health will not be affected by undue stress. Being hot-headed a person entertains undue stress that will harm both his physical and moral health.

To help a leader be an effective one, verse 31 provides a very fundamental principle. It tells us that an effective leader works on the supposition that God is the maker of every person. Though fallen, everyone is still made in the image and likeness of God. It is wonderful when in Christ that image is restored and the person acts congruently. Whatever the case, a good leader treats all with evenness. For he knows that to ill-treat anyone is to despise and mock that person’s creator. When we have in mind that God is everyone’s maker we will be more likely to accord each one with honour and respect.

Verse 32 shows us that a good leader understands his obligation. He deals with each one appropriately. He should aim to help each one live righteously. For he knows that the wicked will have a terrible end. But one who is righteous will find security and his refuge in God. Verse 33 shows that a good and effective leader is astute. He is endowed with wisdom and has the ability to see things in perspective. On the other hand, a fool can never lead for he lacks insight and sharpness.

Verse 34 shows one very fundamental goal an effective leader has i.e. righteousness. This quality helps him to enhance the community and highlights its effectiveness. Conversely, sin will bring reproach and disgrace to the community.  In verse 35, we are told that an effective leader appreciates the discerning followers. Those followers who act shamefully he must censure. Remember that God has called all of us to be influencers. We all assume some leadership roles in some capacities. Hence, let’s consider these fundamentals and apply them where appropriate.    

1 comment:

  1. “When we have in mind that God is everyone’s maker we will be more likely to accord each one with honour and respect.” Amen! I find this to be true too! Thank you for reminding us, Pastor Clarence!
