Friday 6 April 2018

Proverbs 11:4–11 – Living righteously

What exactly is righteousness? It is defined as the behaviour of being right or justifiable. In these seven verses, Proverbs 11:4-11 tell us what righteousness entails and what are the benefits when we live righteously.

Firstly, righteousness will deliver a person from death, which in reality is a separation. When the real us, the spirit, is separated from our body we call that physical death. When the spirit is separated from God, it is called spiritual death. And when we are separated from God eternally, that is eternal death. The Bible refers to the day of judgement as the day of wrath. No matter how much of riches we have, they cannot do a thing to act on our behalf when we have to give an account to God on the day of accounting. But not so with righteousness. It will help to deliver us from the most fearsome aspect of death, spiritual death. That is to be eternally separated from God.

Secondly, righteousness makes a person lives uprightly and honestly. He will not be stumbled by hidden obstacles because the route he takes is clearly discernible. Whereas a wicked will fall by the devise of his own making. His propensities will cause him to stumble because with a weakened conscience, he lacks the resolve to do what’s right. Thus, he stumbles and meanders along the road to destruction.

Thirdly, righteousness is a means by which the upright is delivered. It puts a person in right standing with God. His moral uprightness will lead him to walk in ways conforming to the instruction of God, thus pleasing the heart of the Heavenly Father. No so is a wicked person. He will be caught by his own evil desires to sin. He will be consumed by his greed to indulge in his appalling propensities and be destroyed, slowly but surely. Verse 7 tells us that a wicked man will perish with his expectation unmet. He may have wealth and position, but they cannot prevent death from reaching him. And whatever he hopes to gain with his wealth and position will all be shattered dreams and hope when he goes to his grave with his expectations unattained. We are reminded here to never pin our hope on power and position. They will inevitably disappoint us.  

Fourthly, righteousness delivers us from trouble. It’s obvious because God will be there to take the righteous out of his crisis in life. Whatever the wicked have schemed for the righteous will boomerang and fall on the wicked instead. Remember God will be his refuge and strength. And fifthly, the righteous will be preserved by his integrity. Unlike the godless who would slander with their gossips, the righteous live with integrity. His wholesome honesty helps him to steer clear of all malicious talks and slander. He will not indulge in a smear campaign of false accusation or subtle insinuation to bring a neighbour down. The righteous acts and lives with knowledge. They help him to stay clear of the pathway of lies and be kept intact by his integrity.  

Sixthly, righteousness brings rejoicing to everyone. People will side with a righteous person. His victory will be lauded by everyone in the community. The wicked can also bring joy, but of a different kind. They bring joy to everyone when they are removed from the scene. A community is blessed with the presence of the righteous.  Why?  They bring along with them godly counsel, fervent prayers and sound examples of righteous living. This is not so when a community is invaded by wicked people. They are messengers of doom, undermining the community with their negative and evil talks. They can overthrow a city by their impious behaviour and actions. Which way we should choose to pursue is obvious. Go for it.  

Righteousness is a key character of a person in relationship with God, who expects us to pursue righteousness and make it a key agenda in our life. This is the words of our Lord Jesus in Matthew 6:33. “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” Jesus expects two things from us. To allow Him to have His rightful reign in our life and to pursue a life in right relationship with Him. These we must do daily and diligently.

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