Sunday 22 April 2018

Proverbs 14:20-25 – Every effect has a cause

Every action in life induces a response. That’s why we need to look closely at the fruit of our life. Here in Proverbs 14:20-25 we see some principles on the cause and effect that take place in life.

The word “hate” in verse 20 is better seen as being rejected. Why are the poor rejected? Because they become a constant burden to their friends. Hence, they only have a few friends, because people being selfish, by and large don’t like to be inconvenienced. The rich on the other hand is treated differently. People who love the rich are many and so they have many friends.

The way we treat the poor determines the way God will view us. By showing disregard for the poor and view them with contempt, we have already sinned. The idea is for us never to adopt a superiority attitude and despise the poor. People who are godly have consideration for the poor and needy. When one shows graciousness to the poor one is blessed because God has regard for such a person. For this reason, in James 2:1-7, we are advised not to be impartial. We are at liberty to make friends with the rich but must never despise the poor. For how we treat the poor will have definite effect on how God views us.

The outcome of life, whether we live in a state of confusion or serenity, depends largely on the way we engage life. When one has evil intention and motive, that person will certainly stray from the right course of life. He or she will have a distorted perspective and can no longer see rightly. But to one who practices kindness in life will be shown mercy and truth i.e. the graciousness of God. Their kindness will be recognized and they will be appreciated, honored and respected.

Verses 23-24 tell us that there will be profit with honest and hard work. No matter how tough or insignificant a task may seem, some positive result will ensue when we tackle it with diligence. But when one refuses to put his hand on the plough but merely engages in idle talks, poverty is guaranteed. The contrast is on those who act and those who merely talk. One who merely talks and refuses to work will amount to nothing. One who wisely works hard will be rewarded with plenty. Their gain will be a demonstration of their diligence. For one who is a fool, what will be seen of him will be his folly. No profit can be expected from a senseless person, whose action will only be characterized by folly. The result of falsehood and truthfulness are clearly evident.

Verse 25 tells us that the result of truthfulness or falsehood are clearly evident. When one is truthful, he delivers himself and others of false charges. One who has the propensity to practice lie and deceit will end up being a fraud. His very nature is characterized by falsehood.

The principles in these verses elaborate on the law of sowing and reaping. We will never harvest oranges when we sow apple seeds. We will always reap what we sow. The key is if we want to harvest oranges than we must sow orange seeds. We must examine the fruit we are producing in life. If we don’t like the fruit we are harvesting, we must examine the seeds we are sowing. Be honest with yourself and the truth will set you free!

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