Tuesday 16 May 2017

Psalm 119:9-16 – God’s Word and an unblemished life

Psalm 119:9-16 begin with the Hebrew Alphabet “Beth.” Here the Psalmist started by asking a rhetorical question on how to live one’s life without blemish. Although the question is asked of a young man in particular, we can safely say that it’s applicable to any young person regardless of gender. The fact remains that young people tend to be more driven by their impulses, and would be less thoughtful concerning the weightier issues of life. They are also more impressionable and susceptible to influence, both positive and negative, because of the lack of experience. Taking the position that life cannot be at its zenith when God’s Word is left out, the Psalmist said categorically that it must be a primary consideration to life. This is a must if a young person desires a pure and unblemished life. The Psalmist argues that the Word of God is an imperative to a life of purity.

The call is for young people to be watchful over how they do life. The Psalmist here suggests that being diligent to ensure that one live according to the inerrant Word of God is needful. They must make what God says as the rule of life. In the earlier verses, we have already established the importance of cultivating one’s life according to God’s Word. Here the author is making a case for not just reading the Word of God, but also on ensuring that the principles gleaned from studying the Word be hidden in our heart. It will help us to avoid sin and live a God pleasing life.

Notice the various words the Psalmist used to refer to God’s Word. He calls them statutes, ordinances, testimonies, and precepts. They all refer to the Word of God. So the issue here is: what must we do with God’s Word? We must receive what God has said with deep affections. Of course we need to ensure that they are received with faith. It is absolutely important that we store them in our memory and cherish them like treasures. In Paul’s words to the Colossians, “Let the Word of God dwell richly in our hearts.” Know it or not, the Psalmist here wants us to know that the knowledge and application of God’s Word is the most potent antidote against sin. Hence like him we must sought it with all our heart, and plead with God to help us not to stray from His commandment.

Like the Psalmist we must also maintained an attitude of receptivity to affirm the goodness of God and to invite Him to teach us His statutes. Not only did the Psalmist receive the Word but he also set out to declare them. And so must we. In the word ‘ordinance’, the author was referring to the revelation of God’s will that was made known to him. Not only did he impart them but he made it his cherished treasure and took great delight in those testimonies of the Lord. He referred to them as testimonies because he had witnessed and saw them come to pass in life. He did not just meditate on them but also took great delight in them. The reason he meditated on the Word was so that he would consider how to apply it. And he took delight in them so that he would never forget God’s word.   

Let us emulate this Psalmist! We need to hide God’s Word in our heart and cherish them like treasure. We not only delight in them but also seek to impart them. We must constantly meditate on His Word and make it our top delight. Remembering His Word and taking them to heart are important steps necessary to ensure that we are walking in His will. Let us make applying the Word of God our priority in living!

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