Thursday 25 May 2017

Psalm 119:81-88 – Hold on to God’s Word tenaciously

Psalm 119:81-88 starts with “Kaph,” the eleventh letter of the Hebrew Alphabets. These verses describe the desperate cry of the Psalmist in affliction. He was obviously in fear, brought about by his weakness and his foes. His heart seemed to be fainting for fear but his hope was not. Though he was thick into his bleak and dry situation, his eye never stopped focusing on the Word of God. He refused to give up on it. He was clearly confident that what God had promised in His Word will come to pass. It’s undeniable that the Word of God is a sure and faithful guide to peace and security.  

The Psalmist made it very sure in verse 81 that although he was seriously wearied by his weakening soul, he held fast to the Word of God in great hope. He refused to turn away from it, believing the God who had never failed in His promises would break through bringing salvation and deliverance. He was longing for the moment of comfort and relief that the Word promised. He refused to give up even though his eyes were growing weary and dim. The Psalmist was honest with his feeling. He was wishing that the deliverance of God would come sooner. Won’t we yearn for the same thing if we were in similar circumstance?

Obviously the Psalmist felt debilitated by his situation. He used the illustration of a leather water bottle, dried and cracked up and brittle, to describe his desperate condition. Even in that condition he was thinking of God’s decree and did not let it out of his sight. He refused to forget God’s Word. Verse 84 suggests that the Psalmist was under relentless attacks and so was longing for God’s immediate deliverance. He was aware that vengeance belonged to the Lord and that He would be the One who would repay it. So he wished for God’s intervention soon.  

The author of this Psalm knew that the arrogant people, who came against him and scheming his demise, would have nothing to do with God’s Word. He was aware that they were laying traps for him so that he could be ensnared and destroyed because of their disregard for God and His Word. Yet the Psalmist refused to give up on the Word and commandments of God. He was confident in the integrity of the Word because of the faithfulness of God. Though his experience might appear contrary to the promise of God’s Word, he would still rely on the Word of God and was sure the help would come. And even though if they should bring him to the very end of his existence, he would not give up holding on to the sure principles of God’s Word. The Psalmist asked to be sensitized to God’s mercy even in the relentless attacks of his enemies. His one passionate desire was to be able to live out the Word of God and be a testimony of God’s goodness.    

It is said that crisis makes a man and this is true. Yes, crisis does make a man in that it strengthens his character and builds his resolve. But more than that, crisis also reveals what a man is made up of. The crises that this Psalmist went through drew him closer to the Word of God. It could do so only because he had connected himself with God through the Word. This portion of Psalm 119 shows us how we can build a life by tenaciously holding on to God's Word so that we can weather the storm of adversity effectively.           

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