Monday 21 March 2016

Revelation 22:12-21 – I am coming soon!

While Jesus promises to come quickly, yet no one knows when the exact day will be. However, the focus for us, the followers of the Lamb, should be on doing and acting rightly in the duration leading up to His coming. Are we seizing the opportunity to be His witness and to bear His testimony in the way we conduct our life? All opportunities will run out by the time of our death or the moment He comes. John tells us that when He comes, He will render to everyman according to what he or she has done. However, it is obvious that our salvation is dependent on the grace of God and not the works we do or have done. Verse 14 makes it explicitly clear that our robes must be washed in the blood of the Lamb. While we are justified by the death of Jesus, our works must find its place in the program of God. It is therefore important for us to realize that time is indeed short, so do and act right. Each day Christ delays in His coming means a day nearer to our physical death or a day nearer to His coming. The promise of rewards is guaranteed because Christ is the sum of our existence. He is the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.  

In verse 15, the Lord warns those who will not be found within the new city. Hence, it’s imperative that we make the right choice concerning where we want to be in eternity. The company we have inside the city and outside is quite telling. Outside we find “dogs”, people who violates the revealed will of God and His eternal principles. There will also be those that indulge in occult powers. Others are those who would not worship the true God but would rather worship idols, made out of things and people. Besides there will also be the malicious liars.

The whole book of Revelation is a testimony of Jesus. John was the human messenger whom the angel gave the message, to be delivered to the churches. Without a shadow of doubt, Jesus is God’s Messiah. To affirm that, John used several messianic terms such as the Root of Jesse, the offspring of David and the Bright and Morning Star. When Jesus gives His testimony through John’s writings, His intention is to invite others to share the benefits of the message as well. The Holy Spirit and the bride represented by the church, the community of His redeemed, affirm the invitation of Jesus, calling on all to come. Those who have heard the message should also affirm and echo their agreement. The invitation to come is also made to those outside the community of the redeemed and who desire to drink of the water of life. Let everyone who thirst for the living water come to Jesus and drink freely of the salvation only He can provide. The implication here is that everyone should come to Him. Come while there’s time. The opportunity would end the moment He returns.

Verses 18-21 serve as a warning to everyone who will not take the message of this book seriously. Everyone who denies, disbelieves or perverts the intended teaching of the inspired author will have to bear the consequence. Jesus closes the message with the promise to come soon, and like John, we the redeemed of the Lord must also urge Him to come quickly. We thank God for His saving, sustaining and sanctifying grace showered upon us. Yes and Amen! “Maranatha, Come, Lord Jesus!”

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